Australia's #1 Archery Pro Shop and Indoor Range • 51A Freight Drive SOMERTON VIC 3062 • 03 9303 7291 • All Prices in $AUD and include GST
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Indoor Competition

Indoor Archery is a hugely popular format all around the world. Mostly shot at 18m (20 yards) issues such as wind drift are not a factor, thus many archers choose larger arrows for maximum line cutting ability. 

Arrow size rules vary with each game

Event 9.3mm diametre 27 Size Allowed
World Archery Yes No
IFAA Indoor Yes Yes
Vegas Indoor Yes Yes
Australia Indoor Round Yes Yes

9.3mm size arrows are often also known as 23 size, such as Easton 2315 aluminum. However, not all 23 size arrows are the same size when measured in metric. 

Model Size Range Depending on Spine
Easton X23 9.271 - 9.068mm
CX X-Buster 9.220 - 8.306mm
Easton RX7 9.271 - 8.331mm
Easton Superdrive 23 9.169 - 9.042mm
CX Tank 23D 9.068 - 8.941mm
Victory V-TAC 23 8.890 - 8.865mm
Black Eagle PS23 9.144 - 8.865mm

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